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Schottenkirche 01's by frenchfrog

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information about austria  WienAustria, Wien
Its name means Scottish Church and was built in 1177, the facade is Neo classical.
Uploaded: Sep, 26 2007 | Taken: Jul, 28 2007| Viewed: 29 times  | 3 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: COOLPIX S4 | Exposure 10/5966s, ISO 50 | FLength: 6mm | SW: Picasa 3.0

marianne - Sep, 27 2007 08:09am
Is not this a bit of a contradiction; was built in 1177, the facade is Neo classical?

frenchfrog - Sep, 27 2007 09:09am
The church went throught various periods of restorations, it was first founded in 1177, sorry!

adampl - Sep, 27 2007 10:09am
It's similar with Sv Jiri (St George) church in Hradcany, Prague. It is a Romanesque building but the facade is neoclassical.

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