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Scotland yard's by frenchfrog

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information about united-kingdom  LondonUnited Kingdom
This is the old head quarters of the Metropolit--ain Police
Uploaded: May, 10 2006 | Taken: Apr, 25 2006| Viewed: 30 times  | 4 votes

ravinderkumarsi - May, 10 2006 11:05am
wonderful color and nicely taken

farnaz - May, 10 2006 02:05pm
beautiful picture ,lovely brown

rangutan - May, 10 2006 02:05pm
Isabelle, nice facade. I heard so much of this place but never saw a picture, thanks! I notice a lot of your pictures omit the base of the buildings (the ground), avoiding pedestrians?

leillli - May, 12 2006 10:05am
the horizental lines do emphesise on the earth!

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