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Temple of the inscriptions 01's by frenchfrog

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information about mexico  PalenqueMexico, Chiapas
Palenque is a Spanish word for fence, and it comes from the name of the town, the original name of the city was Lacam-ha meaning Big Water. Palenque was a growing settlement through the Preclassic era, but is associated above all with the great flourishing of Classic Mayan civilisation in the Usumacinta region during the centuries from about 300Ad to 800. Serious excavations began in 1923 as the city was buried in the jungle and work continued until 1952 when the tomb of the 7th century ruler Pakal was discovered beneath the Temple of the Inscriptions
Uploaded: Aug, 14 2009 | Taken: Apr, 01 2009| Viewed: 24 times  | 4 votes
Camera: NIKON CORPORATION | Model: NIKON D40X | Exposure 10/2500s, ISO 100 | FLength: 18mm | SW: Picasa 3.0

jacko1 - Aug, 14 2009 04:08pm
A good picture, brought to life by excellent information,

caribcolors - Aug, 14 2009 04:08pm
Very nice picture......

frenchfrog 's travel pictures
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