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What are looking At?'s by frenchfrog

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information about reunion  Saint GillesReunion, Reunion
Sorry forgot the name of that fish.
Uploaded: Aug, 22 2006 | Taken: Jul, 26 2006| Viewed: 47 times  | 7 votes

mamielle - Aug, 22 2006 01:08pm
Bravo Isabelle pour ta série de photos sous-marines, elles sont vraiment belles et celui-là est trop drôle

morc66 - Aug, 22 2006 01:08pm
This looks like some sort of Blenny. I'll try to determine it for you...

rangutan - Aug, 22 2006 06:08pm
Isabelle, playing hide-and-seek or "Peek-a-Boo" :-) Brilliant and so clear. One-way-Camera-luck or did you get profesional equipment, this photo absolutely great!

mrscanada - Sep, 02 2006 09:09am
An Octopus ...or a fish peeking over some coral...:)

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