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Yak dung's by frenchfrog

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information about nepal  Namche BazarNepal
It serves as a fuel when dried
Uploaded: Jan, 24 2007 | Taken: Oct, 05 2005| Viewed: 40 times  | 4 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: COOLPIX S4 | Exposure 10/7153s, ISO 50 | FLength: 6mm | SW: COOLPIX S4V1.0

davidx - Jan, 24 2007 04:01pm
Isabelle - those yaks don't exactly clean up behind themselves!

rangutan - Jan, 24 2007 08:01pm
"Also suitable for grilling in survival camps"!

magsalex - Jan, 25 2007 08:01am
Yes useful for making a fire apparently but not tried this myself!

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