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Nadhira's Guest Book

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Joined: Apr 04
Points: 17984

Hi Nadhira - Are You Ok?

Posted: 2005-01-04 12:42 PM   
Hi Nadhira,

Many thanks for signing my guest book. I hope that you got my email thanking you for your assistance in the planning of my Sri Lanka trip?

I notice that you signed my guestbook on the 26th December 2004 just before the tsunami struck! I do hope that you were still safe in Colombo away from the coastal devastation.

Obviously my thoughts are with you, along with the rest of the worlds, in coping with this dreadful act of nature.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards, Brit.



Joined: Apr 04
Points: 17984

Welcome to GLOBOsapiens

Posted: 2004-09-23 05:00 AM   
Hi Nadhira,

Just spotted your membership as I was searching Sri Lanka with a view to researching my trip there later this year. Hope you enjoy your membership here and that you can tell us more about your beautiful country.

Cheers, Brit

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