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Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Family sweeps Awards!

Posted: 2010-06-10 09:09 AM   
Hi Farnaz and Shervin, well done to both of you for accomplishing awards for May. Perhaps in 18 years it can be three or even four awards at once? :-)


Joined: Dec 05
Points: 13399

Thank you and ....

Posted: 2010-06-10 04:28 AM   
Hi there,
At the begining many thanks for you congratulations. Receiving the rewards is always a pleasure.
And for you.... Congratulations on being first Globocouple, I truly wish you all the best. I am also happy that Bagher won MoM and Farnaz won AoM. You both done great work....
Have a great day


Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719

Recipes please

Posted: 2010-05-10 04:35 AM   
Yes, thse dishes look delicious and I could make a fair guess at some of the ingredients! However recipes would be very welcome - you could either amend to make the comments larger or post them on either the Iran board or the Open Board.

Your other recent pics are great too - any chance of an album?


Joined: Jan 09
Points: 958

hi farnaz

Posted: 2010-04-11 09:03 AM   
Gud to c the photographs of delicious dishes. thx.



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

A combined account :-)

Posted: 2010-04-02 08:15 AM   
Hi, see you have a family account too :-)
Sorry the chat function doesn't work at GLOBO. I am shy and not a good chatter anyway... Thanks fort rying. RRG


Joined: Jan 08
Points: 84174

Mashhad photos

Posted: 2010-01-05 05:24 PM   

Many thanks indeed for posting photos from Mashhad. When I went to Iran, I was thinking of going to this holy city, but it was logistically challenging (no free places on public transport) and I heard that since I am not Muslim, I might not be able to see the monuments. Your photos show us how beautiful the place is.

Kindest regards


Joined: Mar 08
Points: 34801

Much luck!

Posted: 2010-01-04 10:47 AM   
Farnaz & Baghera,
I wish you much health, happiness, prosperity and love.
I wish also to the year 2010 had only happy days.
All the best.


Joined: May 02
Points: 8309


Posted: 2010-01-04 10:29 AM   
Hello Farnaz, Bagher,

I am happy to hear about your love. Congratulations and a good start into 2010!

Kind regards, Andy


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 13010


Posted: 2010-01-03 03:02 PM   
Salaam Bagher and Farnaz. in the begining I just recognized to known persons on your member picture. than I searched your profiles. wow.. unbeliefable. My warmest regards and greetings. is there a wedding planned yet?


Joined: Jul 08
Points: 15863

Hi friends,

Posted: 2010-01-03 01:13 PM   
welcome Globocouple! :-)))
Hope you both are very fine and safe in these turbulent days!
Warm regards - Petra

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