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New GLOBO memberships invitation only?

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Posted: 2011-07-12 21:26:00   

Instead of making membership invitation only, could you make information on Peru by approval only. And either you delete them is they look like spam or nominate one of the members. I visit the site nearly every day (although I may not log on).

"So many places, so little time" ((*_*))

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Posted: 2011-07-18 17:15:00   

--- quoting porto ---
Hi Andy
I think that the best option here would be to remove links of members with less than 1000 points.

As for the love notes the wording nearly always seems to be 'distance or color doesn't matter but love matters a lot in life' or words to that effect and it is not only the members in the top ranking who are sent this type of message as you already know.

All the best

--- end quote ---

Please do not kick me out. I do not have enough points to make one thousand. Block the web pages or websites that he listed.

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Posted: 2011-07-19 23:00:00   

I agree with Porto, limit people's ability to post links until they reach a certain threshold (although 1000 points might be too high).

It could be something as simple as making them post a minimum of two of everything (two reports, two pictures, two travellog postings, two albums, etc).

Another alternative is that you members undergo a probationary period (say a month or three) during which they can post things, but it is subject to review. Maybe during that probationary period, they are also not able to post links of any kind.

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." – Mark Twain

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posting by staff

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Posted: 2011-09-30 14:45:00   

Hi everybody,

I would like to pick up this post due to a discovery I made. Obviously we have/had several "spamer" accounts on GLOBO that spamed the guest books of members. This might have led to a drastic fall of GLOBOsapiens in the google index due to a google penalty. I am already on it to identify those accounts and to remove them. My big question remains on how to prevent things like this in the future? The idea regarding the points might lead to a solution but I do still believe an invitation only is the better way to go.

Please report all spamers as soon as you notice them

Regards, Andy

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Posted: 2011-10-03 19:47:00   

As far as I can tell I do not get any spam through the GLOBO web page. Maybe you have too little filtering in your system

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Posted: 2011-10-03 22:34:00   


I do not believe that we would want Globosapiens to be an exclusive club. Already there are very few really active members, and the site is becoming really very boring. I am very sad to say this!

Since most of the spammers put stuff on Peru, we should be able to set up an alert in the database, and suspend them immediately, unless those members have been with us over six months and have over 1000 points.

As for those, who post love letters, I thought there was already a mechanism that suspends those members automatically unless they were assigned a 'trusted member' tag. I think we could expand this mechanism and delete those users automatically if they post the same love letter at least twice, whether as a message or as a guestbook entry. That should be fairly simple, right?

There have been hardly any other spammers getting inside Globosapiens, I think.

Kind regards

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Posted: 2011-10-04 22:06:00   

I think the answer is simple moderation. It might meet the problem of boredom if the members were to share moderation so that all content posted could be consistently viewed on a daily basis. The work would be done on a volunteer rota basis with appropriate redundancy to ensure cover where someone is unavoidably unavailable.
As I write there is some contributor using a name celestina (and purportedly young and female) issuing invitations to friendship. If we had the type of rota envisaged it would be a matter of minutes to eliminate this latest spammer.


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posting by staff

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Posted: 2012-04-02 17:59:00   

Hi everybody,

we have integrated a securitiy code (captcha) for guest book postings and for the registration page. Let's see if the amount of spam will decrease.

Best regards, Andy

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Posted: 2012-05-30 22:17:00   

Hi Folks,
Captcha will help I am sure ... but it punishes the rest of us too!

The problem DOES lie in lack of proper Moderation and lack of interest to report spam. When I was active I simply reported spam and the source was removed very quickly. Staff just need to warn or lock the spamming members account. Removing the spam is not as important as NEUTRALIZING the source because a comment later by standard members will discourage spamming and flooding.

It is easy to identify a spammer.
- repetition seen immediately in the daily overview
- new account
- repetition of messages to various members
- business like (links to pay sites or services)
- lot info but no uploaded travel pictures and no comments on other members material.

If you are not sure then report useless info anyway and staff will keep an eye on the suspects. Every website must deal with these idiot spammers.

Can I be employed as an official "Bouncer" (doorman) ? My doctors allow me to work for three hours a day. The German Arbeitsamt would create a "MAW" position for me if it was arranged properly, pay my salary for up to ONE year for GLOBO!

Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner

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posting by staff

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Posted: 2012-07-06 16:01:00   

Hello everybody,

this discussion has been ongoing now for several months. Many intents have been made to avoide spammers and scammers including captcha registration. Nothing really helped.

After going through all possible options I have decided to turn GLOBOsapiens in an exclusive travel community. Please let me explain, what this means.

All members currently on GLOBOsapiens will not be affected. You can login as usual and do everything you did before. However, new members will be only allowed by invitation only. An existing member of GLOBOsapiens has to invite the person. This is the only way to register. You will find a new menu item after login: "invite friends". Fill out the form and ivite you friends. After registering their profile will automatically get connected with yours. This way we also prevent spammers inviting spammers as discovering them will be very easy.

Of course one could now argue, that GLOBOsapiens will not be able to grow etc. But this is not the goal. I see GLOBOsapiens as an exclusive community of GLOBO's and I want to have the community clean without scammers and spammers. We are not mainstream, so we do not really have to adress everybody.

Invite your friends, grow the community with people you know and we might also have the chance to get an even better community of REAL travelers and GLOBOs.

Thank you everybody for their input.

Best regards, Andy

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