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Pictures 1 - 20 of 34 Page: 1 2

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Jesus and St Peter

Israel - Sea of Galilee2007-06-05 send as postcard
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Dome of the Rock

Israel - Jerusalem2007-06-01 send as postcard
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Israel and Syria's disengagement line

Israel - Golan Heights2007-06-06 send as postcard
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Ruins of Synagogue in Capernaum

Israel - Capernaum2007-06-06 send as postcard
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ruins of Bet She'an

Israel - Bet She'an2007-06-07 send as postcard
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Inside the Church of All Nations

Israel - Jerusalem2007-06-01 send as postcard
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Ba'hai Gardens @ Mt Carmel

Israel - Haifa2007-06-03 send as postcard
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Looking thru the window

Israel - Jerusalem2007-06-01 send as postcard
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Garden of Gethsemane

Israel - Jerusalem2007-06-01 send as postcard
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Women's side of the Western Wall

Israel - Jerusalem2007-06-01 send as postcard
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Church of All Nations and Russian Orthodox Church

Israel - Jerusalem2007-06-01 send as postcard
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Visitation Church @ Ein Karem

Israel - Jerusalem2007-05-31 send as postcard
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Interior of the Visitation Church @ Ein Karem

Israel - Jerusalem2007-05-31 send as postcard
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Banias aka Caesarea Philippi

Israel - Banias2007-06-06 send as postcard
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Church of All Nations

Israel - Jerusalem2007-06-01 send as postcard
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Menorah @ Knesset

Israel - Jerusalem2007-05-31 send as postcard
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Jewish Holocaust Museum

Israel - Jerusalem2007-06-03 send as postcard
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Jewish Holocaust Museum

Israel - Jerusalem2007-06-03 send as postcard
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inside the Jewish Holocaust Museum

Israel - Jerusalem2007-06-03 send as postcard
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Golden Gate of Jerusalem

Israel - Jerusalem2007-06-01 send as postcard

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