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Lori's Guest Book

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Joined: Jun 04
Points: 643

OK, so i went exploring in Victoria

Posted: 2004-08-30 04:49 PM   
Hello, i finally took a Sturday afternoon off, and went to look for that shop, Smoking Lili,..and i found it! It is so cool, a bit pricy, but i loved it, and very unique..i wounld off never notice it. It is just a door. Cool, very cool.
Anyways, i hope you are having a good, day, and just wanted to let you know that i found it!.



Joined: Jun 04
Points: 643

Hello Lori!

Posted: 2004-08-25 05:44 PM   
Hi Lori, nice picture! When was that taken, what season? It's really cool. Is that from your last trip to Vancouver? I still haven't found that store yet, hope it's not gone. Talk to you later.



Joined: Apr 04
Points: 5264


Posted: 2004-08-23 01:13 PM   
well, thanks for the speedy reply, click on the chat thing and we can chat there,
About the dog....erm......its not Elvis is it!!!hehehe



Joined: Apr 04
Points: 5264

Hi and welcome!!

Posted: 2004-08-23 01:03 PM   
Hi there,
Just thought Id welcome you and say that I think that your photo is pretty cool . Pennsylvania? is that where theres loads of old Dutch or Omish types, I apologise for not knowing but thats why I asked.



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