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Michaela's Guest Book

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Joined: Sep 08
Points: 70

Hi Michaela

Posted: 2008-12-21 01:35 PM   
Merry Christmas !!!



Joined: Sep 08
Points: 70


Posted: 2008-12-11 07:27 PM   
Hi, Michaela.Thank you for accepting my friendship. I loved your pictures, they are beautiful. And I like your nickname too, sounds so nice and English: Honey....



Joined: Nov 07
Points: 241

hi michaela

Posted: 2008-11-10 01:09 PM   
i m pavan. m/43/married/engineer from central india. i m wildlife enthusiast. live near Bandhavgrah National Park. always ready to visit the park to c tigers in wild. if u hav any plans do let me know. i can play ur guide. take care. hope we can b friends


Joined: Jul 08
Points: 15863


Posted: 2008-08-11 10:07 AM   
Hallo Michaela,
deine neuen Kärntenphotos mag ich sehr! Ich war früher sehr oft in der Nähe des Afritzsees in Urlaub und auch oft im Wörthersee schwimmen. Dein Bild hat glückliche Erinnerungen wach gerufen! Wo ist das Klippitzthörl? Sehr interessantes Photo.
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland - Petra


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 11274

Alpine vote

Posted: 2008-08-02 12:29 PM   
Thank you very much for your vote and kind comment on my little alpine picture at Murren which we visited last September

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