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Joined: Mar 05
Points: 2121

hi, hugheschai

Posted: 2005-11-11 12:47 AM   
: ) glad to see ur reply. anyway, thank u for ur attention.

if u're free, pls take a look at it. coz i need ur suggestions. thank u.



Joined: Mar 05
Points: 2121

hi, hugheschai

Posted: 2005-11-09 07:13 AM   
it's belle, have u remember me? : ) haven't seen u for a long time in globo. i just came back from my hometown yesterday evening. how are u doing recently?

hugheschai, i'd like to introduce a website to u. it's about Hainan, the place i live now. it's the only tropical paradise in China. all the worlds were written and translated by me. if u have time, pls have a look at it. if u find any mistake, pls let me know. and i also hope u could leave a message on our message board. coz i need friends like u to help me to activate this website. thank u in advance!

keep in touch!



Joined: Mar 05
Points: 2121

hi, hugheschai

Posted: 2005-09-27 03:14 AM   
thank u so much for ur massage. they are all very wonderful. i'm a little busy these days, after i'm free, i must browse them carefully. i hope i can go Malaysia for a visit some day. thanks again.

take care



Joined: Mar 05
Points: 2121

hi, hugheschai

Posted: 2005-09-19 10:35 PM   
it's belle again, i'd like to ask u do u know any popular english communities or tourist communities? if u know, pls let me know. thanks!




Joined: Mar 05
Points: 2121

wonderful plan

Posted: 2005-09-18 10:23 PM   
first, thanks for your reply.

oh, it must be so wonderful in your 2006. welcome you come to hainan again.

take care.


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