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Isaac's Guest Book

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Hola amigos

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Joined: Nov 08
Points: 30

From Haiti

Posted: 2008-11-10 10:26 AM   
If you are still interested in pictures from Haiti, let me know I have a bunch. Unfortunately I don't have time to upload them yet. See you around


Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719

7 months?

Posted: 2008-01-30 03:20 PM   
Hi Isaac
That's how long since we last saw you. Why not drop in again and see what's going on?


Joined: Aug 02
Points: 6484

Isaac, I have a question.

Posted: 2008-01-12 12:11 AM   
Hi Isaac,
I didn't hear drom you for quite a while. Are you still enjoying life? I would like to know.


Joined: Aug 02
Points: 11491

Torno a marxar cap a l'Africa.

Posted: 2007-05-10 08:27 PM   
Hola company!!

Primer merci pel teu suport incondicional.
I ara dir-te que a finals de Juny torno cap a l'Africa pero aquest cop durant uns mesos com a guia de viatges per aventurers que contractin les seves vacances amb l'agencia Kananga.
Be, no se si puc escriure el nom de l'agencia perque encara es pensaran que n'estic fent propaganda!
Total, que m'han contractat com a guia i m'hi estare per alla uns mesos ... i despres, es clar, necesitare unes vacances aixi que penso agafar-me un parell de mesos per visitar alguna part d'Africa a on no hagi estat o potser volare a la India que tb em fa il·lusio.
Ja veure, encara queda.
Be, noi, molts records i bons viatges!!


Joined: Aug 02
Points: 6484

Re: Friendship and Forum Ten Travel Phrases

Posted: 2006-12-30 06:21 AM   
thank you to offer me your friendship. that was a surprise. -
The idea with this new forum is great. I certainly will find new phrases. Look up Travel Related Literature, the one with these horrible spellng mistakes, there you will find Chatwin's book announced. He was a great travel writer and has a lot to tell about the reasons of travelling.
So long.


Joined: Aug 02
Points: 6484

Your comment on my photo "Inside a beehive house"

Posted: 2006-12-30 02:30 AM   
Good morning Isaac,
I just woke up and found your message. It is nice to start a day with compliments. Thank you. No, I am not a tourist, but a traveller in the sense of Ib'n Battuta: "He who does not travel does not know the value of men."


Joined: Aug 02
Points: 11491

Merci un altre cop company!!!

Posted: 2006-12-28 02:43 PM   
Hola Isaac!!

Ja feia temps que no em conectava a Globosapiens i caram quina sorpresa en tornar.
Aixi que soc el tercer clasificat?? Ja, ja, ja... que gran que ets!!
La veritat es que fas una feina molt agraida i curiosa.
Potser ets estadista? ;)
Estas al tanto dels viatges de tothom, dies de durada, websites externs, moviments, .... que gran que ets!!
Be, jo, per la meva part, volia agraïr-te el reconeixement i sobretot pel teu suport des del primer contacte a aquesta web.
Admiro la teva dedicació altruista i el teu interes.
Merci de tot cor.



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Season greetings from Tobago

Posted: 2006-12-25 04:52 PM   
A merry Christmas to you and yours.

Thanks for your vote of confidence, I'm not sure I'd seen this forum topic before, but third place is still cool.

Also thanks for looking at my report on Ghanzi, my travels to Africa were so amazing it's very hard to discribe.

Like so many others I'm spending Christmas with my family in the Caribbean and having a well deserved rest.

Any way all the best for Christmas and the New Year.




Joined: Sep 04
Points: 11274

Isaac welcome back and thank you

Posted: 2006-12-25 06:28 AM   
I have looked for your name many times since July last.
It is very good to see you and I wish you great joy for the new year.
Thank you for your very generous comment on my little picture.


Joined: Jun 02
Points: 12936

Gracias for your kind comments

Posted: 2006-07-12 04:09 PM   
Hola Isaac,
I just wanted to say thanks for reading my reports and you flatter me too much with your kind comments.
I really enjoyed visiting your country and i sincerely hope that I have done it justice with my reports so far and the ones still to come!
Ps I was sorry that I did not have the time to visit Barcelona.

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