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Birthday cake in Socotra (For Neda)'s by jorgesanchez

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information about yemen  HadiboYemen, Shabwah
In the picture I show André, the best backpacker of the XX century, celebrating his 70th birthday in the company of many friends from several countries of the world, among them two Iranian ladies.
Uploaded: Dec, 09 2007 | Taken: Nov, 11 2007| Viewed: 39 times  | 3 votes

lioness - Dec, 09 2007 03:12pm
Jorge, it definitely must be the same Iranian family :-)
I know that the younger one has a sun-glasses (and glasses?) shop in Hadibo, the other one is her mother. They used to live in Dubai before moving to Socotra.
I am not sure, but I might have seen Andre in their courtyard? Is it possible? Because, when I went to pick the cake up from the Iranian family´s place, there was a foreign man with them and we all chatted for some 5 minutes...Was that Andre??!!

jorgesanchez - Dec, 09 2007 03:12pm
Yes Neda!
So you met him. He lived with that family most of the week in Socotra because they all are of Bahai religion. Since I am not Bahai I was not invited, and slept most of the nights a la belle etoile.

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