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Bohdan Khmelnitsky's by jorgesanchez

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information about ukraine  KievUkraine
Bohdan Khmelnitsky was the Cossacks’ leader that in the middle of the XVII century (1648) liberated the Ukrainians from the Polish-Lithuanian yoke.
Uploaded: Jan, 01 2010 | Taken: Sep, 29 2009| Viewed: 24 times  | 1 vote
Camera: NIKON | Model: E5600 | Exposure 10/3980s, ISO 50 | FLength: 6mm | SW: E5600v1.0

krisek - Jan, 01 2010 01:01pm
Jorge, yes - but he only switched the Polish-Lithuanian yoke for the Russian yoke... Well, if his land, given to him by the Polish magnate and hetman Stanisław Koniecpolski, who advocated fair treatment of the Cossacks, was not robbed by his son, Aleksander Koniecpolski (despite the orders of the King Władysław IV), the upraising might not have actually happened... :)

jorgesanchez - Jan, 01 2010 06:01pm
Krisek: thanks. It is always good to have two versions of the facts to find the truth.

krisek - Jan, 01 2010 07:01pm
Jorge, the history at that times was not always accurately recorded. It was a shame that Aleksander chose not honour his father's will, and also it was a shame that Mr Khmelnitsky did not realise that joining up with the Russian was not going to be any better at all...

jorgesanchez - Jan, 02 2010 08:01pm
Krisek: Perhaps a Ukrainian Globo member should participate in this debate.

I am glad that we got rid of our invaders in the past, Muslims and French (during Napoleon times), so I guess that Ukrainians too, prefer being free from Polish and Russians yokes.

krisek - Jan, 02 2010 10:01pm
Jorge, I could not agree more! I am very happy for the Ukrainians to be a free nation again. I also hope that they can get through their present troubles. You know that in 2012, Poland and Ukraine are staging European Football Cup together!

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