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Chávez, Chávez, viva Chávez!!!'s by jorgesanchez

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information about venezuela  PorlamarVenezuela, Nueva Esparta
I was in Isla Margarita when I saw many people greeting somebody. I went to the road and saw President of Venezuela Hugo Chávez driving a jeep. Everybody was excited crying his name. When he drove at a short distance from where I was, I looked at him, he looked at me, and I aslo shouted:
Chávez, Chávez, viva Chávez!!!

(Although I do not like politics at all!)
Uploaded: Nov, 13 2008 | Taken: Oct, 01 2008| Viewed: 33 times
Camera: NIKON | Model: E5600 | Exposure 10/3100s, ISO 50 | FLength: 5mm | SW: E5600v1.0

krisek - Nov, 13 2008 12:11pm
Jorge, what a great capture! You were so lucky. At the right time in the right place, hehe. I guess you did not look like a Venezuelan, so he might have been curious...

jorgesanchez - Nov, 13 2008 12:11pm
Kriss, he gave me a t shirt. I will show it just for fun in another picture within a few minutes.

krisek - Nov, 13 2008 12:11pm
Jorge, what a souvenir! What was he doing on the Margarita? Holidaying perhaps?

jorgesanchez - Nov, 13 2008 12:11pm
Kriss: no, he arrived in his airplane from a visit to Raul and Fidel Castro in Cuba. Nobody expected him, his visit to Isla Margarita was a surprise to everybody, even for me!

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