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Coco Reef advertisement's by jorgesanchez

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information about trinidad-and-tobago  Crown PointTrinidad and Tobago, Tobago
This sign is not far from thje airport. I walked around the island during my two days stay. I was looking for remains of the Letons, the first european people who colonized the island. Holland tried first, but they were chased by the Spaniards, who ruled Trinidad island untill they negociated the islans with England, in 1802.
But apart from the remains of a fortress near Plymouth, nothing elese remains from the called "New Courland" settlement by the Letons.
Uploaded: Nov, 15 2008 | Taken: Oct, 04 2008| Viewed: 30 times  | 1 vote
Camera: NIKON | Model: E5600 | Exposure 10/3849s, ISO 50 | FLength: 5mm | SW: E5600v1.0

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