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Felix Dzerzhinsky's by jorgesanchez

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information about ukraine  Zaporozh'yeUkraine, Zaporiz'ka Oblast'
This statue is located in downtown Zaporizhzhia, near the Dnieper River.
Dzerzhinsky was of Polish (Jewish) origin, although born in Belarus, and soon after the October Revolution joined the Communists in Russia. He was the founder of the criminal Cheka (KGB), or the cruel Bolshevik secret Police. He created what was to be known as the Red Terror.
But on the other hand, he helped the orphans and constructed many orphanages houses to shelter the homeless children.

In Moscow, Boris Yeltsin ordered in 1991 to remove his statue in Lubyanka Square. In some ex Soviet Union countries he is still admired. Belarus, Russia and Ukraine are some of them (but not Poland!). I saw in the year 2009 many streets and busts devoted to him in Siberian cities.

This statue was close to the port. I walked there to see if there was a boat along the Dnieper to Kiev, but it was a weekly service and could not wait, so I took the train instead to the Ukrainian capital.
Uploaded: Jan, 01 2010 | Taken: Sep, 29 2009| Viewed: 25 times  | 1 vote
Camera: NIKON | Model: E5600 | Exposure 10/550s, ISO 50 | FLength: 6mm | SW: E5600v1.0

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