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Nuestra Señora de las Nieves's by jorgesanchez

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information about st-kitts-and-nevis  Nevis PeakSt. Kitts and Nevis
Nuestra Señora de las Nieves, that was the name that the Spaniards gave to that mountain because there was snow at the top (Nieve means snow). But english people speak very bad spanish language, they will never learn to pronounce it rightly, and deformed Nieves for Nevis, as it is today known the island. I prefer the name Nieves.
Uploaded: Oct, 19 2008 | Taken: Oct, 10 2008| Viewed: 49 times  | 4 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: E5600 | Exposure 10/4528s, ISO 50 | FLength: 5mm | SW: E5600v1.0

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