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Old entry to the walled city's by jorgesanchez

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information about spain  Vitoria-GasteizSpain
Vitoria has over 2000 year’s history. It has a wall around part of the old part of the town, but not in good preservation.
Uploaded: Feb, 22 2009 | Taken: Feb, 10 2009| Viewed: 27 times  | 5 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: E5600 | Exposure 10/592s, ISO 50 | FLength: 5mm | SW: E5600v1.0

jacko1 - Feb, 22 2009 08:02pm
I attempted to give this picture the five stars it deserves but after several attempts Globo said it detected fraud! how rude!. Without the small bit of colour this would have been a good picture, with it, it is excellent!. Well done.

jorgesanchez - Feb, 22 2009 08:02pm
Thanks Toni.
The systems does not allow more thna 2 points of difference compared witht he global rate. Since somebody rated this picture with 2 points, the maximum that you could rate it was 4 points.
But I do not think this picture deserves 4 points. 3 points would be fair. I just posted it because I realized that in Globo there were not pictures from Vitoria Gasteiz, so I posted 10 Vitoria pictures to compensate.

It was raining all the day long in Vitoria, that is why there were not many colours.

jacko1 - Feb, 22 2009 09:02pm
Thank you for the info, I say as I see, this is still worth 5 stars. I will try again with 4.

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