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Polar beer advertisement (for plancarpin)'s by jorgesanchez

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information about venezuela  CaracasVenezuela, Distrito Federal
Jean Philippe, during my stay in Venezuela I drank no less than 200 bottles of Polar beers!
Venezuelan Polar beer, together with Belgium Leffe Blonde, and Mexican Corona with a piece of lemon in the neck of the bottle, are my favourite beers in the world.
In Venezuela, thanks to the black market, life is very cheap. You can fill up the fuel tank of your car for just 1 euro! But a litre of mineral water in a bottle will cost you more than 40 litres fuel.
Polar beers are very cheap, cheaper than water, so I use to drink with my friends without coercion Polar beers all the time, day and night, especially in fishing village Juan Griego.
Look at the buildings with advertisings of Polar beer, Pepsi and Nescafé. These are an exception. Today, with Hugo Chávez, most of the buildings have political propaganda, such as “Socialismo o Muerte” (Socialism or Death) and nonsense like that.
Uploaded: Nov, 13 2008 | Taken: Sep, 26 2008| Viewed: 31 times
Camera: NIKON | Model: E5600 | Exposure 10/6024s, ISO 50 | FLength: 5mm | SW: E5600v1.0

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