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Seagull opening the wings's by jorgesanchez

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information about greece  MykonosGreece, Kykládes
It is waiting the arrival of the fishermen to eat some sardines.
Uploaded: Nov, 26 2007 | Taken: Oct, 31 2007| Viewed: 30 times  | 6 votes

rangutan - Nov, 26 2007 01:11pm
Jorge, wonderfully captured! [4.55]

bineba - Nov, 28 2007 06:11am
Jorge, that's a pelican. Probably one of the pair that live there and have become mascots of the island. They wander around the streets at night.

jorgesanchez - Nov, 28 2007 02:11pm
Bineba you are right. This is a pelican, of course. Just suffered a lapse. There are several of them in the port. They made company the night that I slept on the beach.

bineba - Nov, 28 2007 06:11pm
Hi Jorge, I thought as much. Hope my comment didn't come across as me lecturing you. Just wanted to give you the chance to change the title of the photo.
And I completely forgot to say how much I love the photo! I'm probably also suffering of a lapse in memory!
I have very fond memories of Mykonos.

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