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Torn between two lovers ...'s by jorgesanchez

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information about seychelles  Beau VallonSeychelles, Beau Vallon
... feeling like a fool...

These are my good friends in Seychelles. He was a guard looking after Beau Vallon beach during the night. I was sleeping in that beach, over the sand, every night during two weeks. In theory, it is forbidden to camp in Seychelles; you must have a hotel booking to be granted a visa at the airport, and he was supposed to denounce me to the Immigration Police, but he did not. We spent half of every night talking about the Seychelles and Spanish traditions, thus both having a rich and didactic conversation. But his girlfriend, also guard in another different beach (Bel Ombre), was very jealous of him thinking that he flirts with other girls, and she was always sad and angry. So I talked to her explaining that his boyfriend was a very good guy, very honest and did not have any relation with other women, at least during the two weeks that we were together. Finally they reconciled and I was also happy.
Uploaded: Jan, 11 2008 | Taken: Aug, 01 2007| Viewed: 49 times  | 1 vote

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