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Turkish versus Armenians and vice versa's by jorgesanchez

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information about turkey  IgdirTurkey
These pictures show the atrocities supposedly committed by the Armenian group ASALA (Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia) towards the Turkish population as from 1915 (In Yerevan you have the Armenian version).
I love Armenians, I love Turkish, and both gave me the best of them and helped me during my journeys…. But when I visited the Armenian Memorial to the Genocide in Yerevan and now this one, I wanted to cry.
When I left this monument I was like another man and could not refrain from exclaiming to myself in Spanish: “Dios mío, Dios mío, por qué?...”…
Sometimes I do not understand the humane nature. I also felt guilty because I am, too, a human being, just like Armenians and like Turkish.
Uploaded: Dec, 05 2007 | Taken: Oct, 09 2007| Viewed: 20 times  | 2 votes

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