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Pictures 1 - 20 of 69 Page: 1 2 3 4

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55 - Great Slave Lake

Canada - Northwest Territories - Yellowknife2008-06-14 send as postcard
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42 - Entering Canada

Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver2008-06-01 send as postcard
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56 - My young Inuit friend

Canada - Nunavut - Rankin Inlet2008-06-15 send as postcard
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This is the airport

Canada - Nunavut - Iqaluit2008-06-16 send as postcard
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This is the Great Lake Slave

Canada - Northwest Territories - Yellowknife2008-06-14 send as postcard
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Totem in Vancouver island

Canada - British Columbia - Victoria2008-08-31 send as postcard
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69 - Gros Morne National Park

Canada - Newfoundland - Gros Morne National Park of Canada2008-06-28 send as postcard
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68 - The warehouse for Irish slaves

Canada - Newfoundland - L'Anse au Meadow2008-06-27 send as postcard
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64 - Forth day: I reached the kilometre 860

Canada - Newfoundland - Wabush Lake2008-06-23 send as postcard
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59 - Le Château Frontenac

Canada - Quebec - Quebec2008-06-18 send as postcard
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58 - Back in the Western world

Canada - Ontario - Ottawa2008-06-17 send as postcard
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43 - Mile Zero

Canada - British Columbia - Dawson Creek2008-06-02 send as postcard
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45 - Beautiful like Lake Louise

Canada - British Columbia - Muncho Lake2008-06-04 send as postcard
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48 - Indian Totem

Canada - Yukon - Teslin2008-06-07 send as postcard
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47 - Jungle of signs

Canada - Yukon - Watson Lake2008-06-06 send as postcard
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Heading to Vancouver island

Canada - British Columbia - Prince Rupert2008-08-29 send as postcard
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67 - The Vikings in North America?

Canada - Newfoundland - St. Anthony2008-06-26 send as postcard
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This is the Catholic Church

Canada - Nunavut - Iqaluit2008-06-16 send as postcard
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This is the Public Library

Canada - Nunavut - Iqaluit2008-06-16 send as postcard
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This is the restaurant

Canada - Nunavut - Iqaluit2008-06-16 send as postcard

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jorgesanchez 's travel pictures
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