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Luxor Pictures 1 - 14 of 14 

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Sometimes I ate dates climbing the palm trees

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor1987-12-07 send as postcard
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I visited all the Valleys and all the frescoes

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor1987-12-05 send as postcard
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Sometimes I ate falafels in the stalls by the Nile

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor1987-12-07 send as postcard
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With wind northwards we navigated by the banks

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor1987-12-08 send as postcard
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I am negotiating and arranging this unique journey

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor1987-12-06 send as postcard
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Magnificent hawk god Horus temple in Edfu!

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor1987-12-09 send as postcard
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With wind southwards we navigated in the middle

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor1987-12-07 send as postcard
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We felt insignificant before such works of art

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor1987-12-08 send as postcard
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Kom Ombo temple devoted to Horus and Sobek

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor1987-12-10 send as postcard
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We met another felucca near Esna

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor1987-12-09 send as postcard
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Egyptians of our felucca got crazy with our girls

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor1987-12-07 send as postcard
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Thank you very much for travelling with me

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor1987-12-10 send as postcard
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Disco on board with Egyptian and Buddha-bar music

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor1987-12-07 send as postcard
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Sometimes I drank milk bought to the cowboys

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor1987-12-08 send as postcard

jorgesanchez 's travel pictures
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