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Biscay Transporter Bridge

information about spain  Bilbao - Spain

No long ago, Bilbao, the greatest town in Euskadi, or Basque Country, was known for its industry and fumes and was not considered a spectacular city at all. But after removing all the factories (mainly metals, chemicals, paper and cement) “The Ugly Duckling” became a surprisingly beautiful town surrounded by green mountains, even more after the construction in 1997 of the astonishing Frank Gehry masterpiece: Guggenheim Museum.

But there is another wonder much older, the Biscay Transporter Bridge, connecting Portugalete with Getxo.

To get there walk around the oldest quarter of Bilbao, on the right bank of the Nervion River, and take the metro until the station Las Arenas. There, on the Nervion estuary you will find this original bridge designed before the Eiffel Tower by Palacio, a mate of Eiffel, and is now candidate to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. A ride to cross the Nervion costs only 25 cents and you will travel in a large hanging cage with splendid views.

Address: Metro station Las Arenas

Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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