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Casa do Dean (Dean’s House)

information about spain  Santiago de Compostela - Spain

In the first floor of this old building (baroque style) several nice girls will furnish you the document “Compostelana” if you have arrived to Santiago as a pilgrim, on foot at least for the last 100 kilometres, or 200 if you came on bicycle.
With this Compostelana you have right to three daily meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) during three days in the 5 stars hotel and restaurant Los Reyes Catolicos, in the plaza del Obradoiro, where the Cathedral is located.
You also have other rights when in possession of this document, like in the old times, such as crossing rivers for free (the boatmen confer to the Compostelana a high respect).

Address: Rua do Villar 1
Santiago de Compostela

Phone: + 34 0000000
Price: budget

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