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Paul's Guest Book

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Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719

Another welcome

Posted: 2006-02-21 09:19 AM   
Hi Paul
Good to see another Brit joining our long list, though one of the best features of this site is its genuinely international character.
An alternative, if you have any questions about the site, is to look at the faq forum. if the question has not already been answered, ask it there and you will be sure of an answer from one of the senior members. This helps to keep Andy's workload to a level nearer to manageable.
I hope you get as much pleasure from the site as I do.


Joined: Jan 06
Points: 1261


Posted: 2006-02-20 05:13 PM   
Welcome to Globo. If you need anything, just contact the staff. They'll help you with anything.

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