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Joined: Aug 05
Points: 300

hi katja

Posted: 2005-10-21 12:30 PM   
hello. my name is panayiotis and I'm from Cyprus. In last August I travelled to Copenhagen but unfortunately I didn't have the time (and the money) to cross the bridge to Stockholm. I have heard a lot about Stockholm. It must be beautifull.


Joined: Dec 03
Points: 1258


Posted: 2004-06-22 08:20 AM   
Hey Katja,
Thanks for the compliment- I cut it myself. I find it's cheaper, and easier than finding a new hairdresser in every country!

This summer..well, now I'm living in Barcelona. I'm here for another week, then a 10 day trip to London, then I'm moving to The Maldives where I just signed a 2 year contract! So- lots of fun followed by lots of work in a quiet paradise where it will be summer year round. How about you, any plans?

I'm curious how you ended up speaking so many languages at such a young age- I'm jealous, I started late! :-)

Did you know that Barcelona has a large exchange of Swedes that come to learn Spanish?



Joined: Jun 04
Points: 30


Posted: 2004-06-19 05:56 PM   
Hello Katja, welcome to the forum.
great reflection :o)

take care


Joined: Dec 03
Points: 1258


Posted: 2004-06-19 05:13 PM   
Hello Katja,
Welcome to our community. I hope you enjoy it, and I know we all look forward to your contributions!

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