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I'm Line and I come from Danmark but live in Nice, France now. I'm 20 years old and like to be active by playing sports or doing other things. I'm always smiling and in a good mood.

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Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719

Welcome, Line

Posted: 2006-08-10 06:22 AM   
Hi Line
A warm welcome to Globo. I like to welcome a lot of people first - it's one of the few benefits of being retired.

However, I was particularly keen to do so in your case, to ask why a person with Danish as a first language was living in Albania. Howevr I see from your introduction that you live in France. That just leaves the mystery of why the list of new members should describe you as Line, from Nice, Albania!!

I hope you enjoy Globo. I have learned a lot here as well as getting terrific enjoyment. Feel free to ask if there's anything you want to know about the site - other than what you have to do with Albania [which I don't know!]


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