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Agra skyline's by mistybleu

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information about india  AgraIndia, Uttar Pradesh
Seeing the Taj from the Agra Fort
Uploaded: Dec, 09 2007 | Taken: Nov, 07 2007| Viewed: 29 times  | 4 votes
Camera: Panasonic | Model: DMC-FZ7 | Exposure 10/1250s, ISO 80 | FLength: 66mm | SW: Ver.1.0

marianne - Dec, 09 2007 07:12am
Amanda, Is the haze pollution?

mistybleu - Dec, 09 2007 08:12am
Yes, the area was very smoggy, but worse at the Taj, so much so they post a daily forecast of the smog conditions in the grounds. I was really surprised,

horourke - Dec, 09 2007 10:12am
Ah here is my dream building and of course the disilusionment is far worse than I dreamed in my mistaken message. My confinement now to being largely a virtual traveller has the advantage of leaving me safe from the disappointment of arriving to be confronted far from home by broken dreams.

mistybleu - Dec, 09 2007 10:12am
Hugh, I can't tell you how disappointed when I saw the Taj - it was a complete anticlimax. The following day when I returned not even the sunrise to could lift my spirits. Now I'm back I reflect fondly on my experience..

rangutan - Dec, 10 2007 12:12am
Like Beijing's problem, imagine the Olympic games held here? :- (
I do though find this picture amazing and the massive size of the structure is magnified even more by the zoom through the haze :-)

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