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The Moringa Waterhole's by mistybleu

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information about namibia  Halali Rest CampNamibia, Kunene
At the end of the Tsumasa Trail is the Moringa Waterhole
Uploaded: Nov, 04 2006 | Taken: Sep, 19 2006| Viewed: 37 times  | 3 votes

rangutan - Nov, 08 2006 09:11am
Amanda, I remember spending many hours waiting for game. Needs patience, it is amazing how many different animals come and go, like each have there own special "appointment" to avoid one another!

mistybleu - Nov, 08 2006 10:11am
Rudi, it's like being in a theatre and the animals enter on cue. Just when you think not one of them wants to drink, a herd of 'whatever' enters stage right. Its really fascinating.

rangutan - Nov, 08 2006 11:11am
Amanda, EXACTLY like that :-)

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