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The table cloth effect's by mistybleu

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I've never seen the table cloth effect, but I was surprised how this cloud stayed on top of the mountain all day.
Uploaded: Oct, 08 2006 | Taken: Sep, 30 2006| Viewed: 87 times  | 7 votes

rangutan - Oct, 11 2006 01:10am
Amanda, 5* view with the "Castle". The cloud forms like the vapour trail of a plane, it "grows" on the right/front where sea air is compressed & melts on the left/back acc. to wind direction/humidity.

horourke - Oct, 11 2006 01:10pm
I think this is related to the lenticular cloud effect where the humidity carried in the airflow becomes visible in the turbulence due to pressure and temperature changes caused by the mountain

mistybleu - Oct, 26 2006 06:10am
Rudi, so this isn't the table cloth effect because its coming from the wrong direction?

rangutan - Oct, 26 2006 06:10am
This IS the table cloth effect. Just, if you watch the cloud over a few minutes you will see that it really moves, doesn't "hang there", vapour is formed on one side and disappears on the other.

mistybleu - Oct, 26 2006 01:10pm
Cool, thanks Rudi...

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