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Jin's Guest Book

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Welcome to my guestbook!

Entries 1 - 9 of 9 


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 187

Hi jin,

Posted: 2005-11-22 04:11 AM   
Glad to hear from you agin, it sounded great you came back to visit, I am living in beijing now, and also study in university, my major is computer, one of my schoolmate is studying in leidan now, I hope you can meet and say hello to him.
Have more talk to you later,
All the best !


Joined: Nov 05
Points: 3

Hi Jin

Posted: 2005-11-20 07:24 PM   
Good to see you here to :)


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 187

Hi Jin!

Posted: 2005-08-21 09:12 AM   
I am glad to see your signature , while I feel sorry about seeing it late, for I couldn't find this address for a couple of time and didn't sign in for a long time. while I really like to make friends with you.
Right now it is summer , are you on vacation too? I hope you have a nice summer vacation!
you are right I am still studying in Beijing, and my university is Beijing Language and culture university.
If you come back to beijing you can come to get me.
I have a homepage (some annoying ads because I use it for free)^^
glad to make friends with you!


Joined: Oct 04
Points: 55

Hey, Jin

Posted: 2005-06-27 03:27 AM   
I didn't visit this site for a long time. Now it's summer again. Wish you a very happy summer holiday.


Joined: Nov 04
Points: 326


Posted: 2005-01-11 12:05 PM   
hi jin! just read your paris report, and found it so interesting! cant believe i been here a year and didnt know that stuff! glad u had a great time here, its such a beautiful city!


Joined: Sep 03
Points: 8701


Posted: 2005-01-08 01:28 PM   
I wanted to visit Lijiang but we ended up in Geiju! I was doing some voluntary work in an orphanage there. We were living in the middle of a pomegranate orchard. I loved the countryside and who knows - i may get to Lijiang yet.




Joined: Sep 03
Points: 8701

Hi there

Posted: 2005-01-07 11:45 PM   
Well actually i have visited China!! I have been to Kunming twice and also went to Geiju in Yunnan province.

I would like to visit other areas but it is so huge!

Best wishes



Joined: Nov 04
Points: 121


Posted: 2005-01-07 10:38 PM   
I love language and linguistics and history.
Do you speak all languages fluently, and how did you learn them all?? I have only managed to learn hebrew and spanish and basics of a few others, i would love to learn latin.
very amazing!


Joined: Apr 04
Points: 5264

Goede dag!!

Posted: 2005-01-07 08:30 PM   

Welcome bij ons hier in Globo, Ik was en Tijdje in Nederlands geblijven...maar ik was neet naar Delft to. Ik kijk well uit for meer photos van jou.



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