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Changeable weather's by pictor

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information about united-kingdom  Cairngorms National ParkUnited Kingdom
Same day as the previous pic but a little higher up the mountain and entirely different conditions.
Uploaded: May, 14 2015 | Taken: Apr, 29 2015| Viewed: 3 times  | 2 votes
Camera:  Canon PowerShot SX600 HS | Exposure 1/500s, f3.8, ISO 100 | FLength: 5mm

mistybleu - May, 14 2015 07:05pm
Lol, the great British weather; you never know what you will get from one minute to another.

pictor - May, 14 2015 09:05pm
Very true Amanda, especially here where some poor soul always sets out totally unprepared on a clear day and ends up needing the mountain rescue team.

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