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The Castle's by pictor

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information about united-kingdom  Corfe CastleUnited Kingdom
The first stone of Corfe Castle was laid more than 1,000 years ago. Since then it's seen it's fair share of battles, mysteries and plots. It's been a treasury, military garrison, royal residence and family home.
The keep was built in the 12th century for King Henry I, William the Conqueror's son.
After six centuries of keeping enemies at bay, an Act of Parliament was passed at Wareham to destroy the castle.
Deep holes were dug and packed with gunpowder to bring the towers and ramparts down resulting in the gaps and angles seen today.
Uploaded: Jul, 16 2017 | Taken: Jul, 13 2017| Viewed: 3 times  | 2 votes
Camera:  Canon PowerShot SX600 HS | Exposure 1/1250s, f3.8, ISO 200 | FLength: 5mm

rangutan - Mar, 26 2018 06:03pm
Interesting place to visit, full of stories and mysteries. Thanks!

pictor - Mar, 26 2018 07:03pm
Rudi, didn't go inside on this occasion as there was more sights on my list here.

rangutan - Mar, 27 2018 03:03pm
I would love to take my metal-detector there!

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