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Flushing Meadows's by porto

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information about united-states  New YorkUnited States, New York
Fountain in Corona Park
Uploaded: Sep, 20 2011 | Taken: Sep, 18 2011| Viewed: 18 times
Camera:  SAMSUNG PL200/VLUU PL200 | Exposure 1/165s, f6.7, ISO 80 | FLength: 7mm | Copyright: Copyright 2010 | SW: Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery 6.0.6001.18000

mistybleu - Sep, 20 2011 05:09pm
Don't tell me you went to the US Open?

porto - Sep, 21 2011 07:09am
Amanda, just missed it by a few days, I only noticed the dates for the tournament after the flights had been booked otherwise I would have been there.

mistybleu - Sep, 23 2011 03:09pm
Awww, that is such a shame. But it looks fab.

porto - Sep, 23 2011 03:09pm
Amanda, Thanks again :) I was extremely lucky with the weather here, the week before was raining cats and dogs and I was watching the news from NY today and it is raining again.

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