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Forth Bridges's by porto

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information about united-kingdom  South QueensferryUnited Kingdom
Forth Road Bridge (top) Forth Rail Bridge (bottom) Work was begun on the rail bridge in 1883 and formally completed when HRH Prince of Wales tapped in a golden rivet in 1890. It was the world's first major steel cantilever bridge and even today is still considered an engineering marvel. Around 200 trains a day cross over and it is Scotland's biggest listed building and spans a mile and a half. At least 57 souls from around the world lost their lives during construction of the rail bridge.
Uploaded: Aug, 12 2010 | Taken: Aug, 12 2010| Viewed: 22 times  | 4 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: COOLPIX S220 | Exposure 10/9310s, ISO 80 | FLength: 6mm | SW: COOLPIX S220V1.0

pesu - Aug, 12 2010 04:08pm
Very interesting picture and info, Fred. I like the cloud mountains between the bridges.

porto - Aug, 13 2010 01:08am
Petra, Vielen Dank mein Freund :)

jacko1 - Aug, 13 2010 01:08pm
Please feel free to correct me Fred, painting this bridge was once considered an unending task and the phrase " like painting the Forth Bridge" entered into common English language?.

porto - Aug, 13 2010 01:08pm
Tony, you are right. I think that the white covers on the bridge are to do with the 'recent' paint job which seems to have been going on for a few years now although on the plus side the special paint is meant to last between 25 and 40 years.

jacko1 - Aug, 13 2010 01:08pm
Thanks Fred, I was beginning to wonder if I dreamt this:-)

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