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New Lanark's by porto

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information about united-kingdom  LanarkUnited Kingdom
Unesco World Heritage Site, over 200 years ago the impressive sandstone cotton mills were built by David Dale. Soon the village became known worldwide under the management of Dale's son-in-law Robert Owen who provided fair wages, decent homes, free health care and a new education system for villagers, which included the first nursery school in the world.
Uploaded: Mar, 05 2010 | Taken: Mar, 05 2010| Viewed: 18 times  | 2 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: COOLPIX S220 | Exposure 10/1600s, ISO 80 | FLength: 6mm | SW: Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery 6.0.6001.18000

pesu - Mar, 05 2010 04:03pm
Very interesting, Fred. Thanks for giving me pics to my (little) knowledge of Robert Owen's work. Were these buildings for the production or for flats?

porto - Mar, 05 2010 04:03pm
Thanks, Petra. The buildings were for work and accomodation, the one in the foreground is now known as the nursery buildings, the visitor centre is in the middle and at the building at the back there is a shop and cafe ( very nice lentil soup ) you can just make out the rooftop garden ( far right ) the hotel and youth hostel are also on the right, not in view on this pic though.

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