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information about united-kingdom  BalmahaUnited Kingdom
A nice mix of colours here walking up Conic.
Uploaded: Aug, 03 2012 | Taken: Aug, 02 2012| Viewed: 9 times  | 5 votes
Camera: SONY | Model: DSC-W570 | Exposure 10/800s, ISO 80 | FLength: 5mm | SW: Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery 6.0.6001.18000

horourke - Aug, 03 2012 08:08pm
The bracken (male fern) and the rowan tree are two of the signature plants that evoke my days of great freedom on Irish hillsides (I know this is Scotland). The out-crop rock is very interesting and I wonder if the bush on the sky-line might be hawthorn. I could spend an hour imagining the features of this landscape on all sides of this grand picture.

horourke - Aug, 03 2012 08:08pm
I have just changed it to 1024 and there is heather!! adorning the rock

porto - Aug, 04 2012 03:08am
Hugh, the times that I have visited Ireland there have been hills, mountains etc. that have looked and felt like the Highlands here. The views from around this little hill are amazing and you are right, every turn gives another feature. That could be hawthorn on the hill, I will check it out next time.

shervin19 - Aug, 04 2012 04:08am
In the corner, airplain painted the sky :)
Is this plant strawberry?

shervin19 - Aug, 04 2012 04:08am
is this plant Raspberry?

porto - Aug, 04 2012 05:08pm
Thanks Bagher, they are rowan berries.

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