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information about poland  CracowPoland, Malopolskie
Arguably the world's oldest shopping mall, in business in the middle of Krakow's Rynek Glowny for 700 years.
Circa 1300 a roof was put over two rows of stalls to form the first Sukiennice building (cloth hall) where the textile trade used to go on.
It was extended into an imposing Gothic structure 108 metre long and 8 metre wide in the second half of the 14th century.
And today if you are looking for a souvenir then this is the perfect place.
Uploaded: Jun, 09 2014 | Taken: May, 08 2014| Viewed: 9 times  | 2 votes
Camera: SONY | Model: DSC-W570 | Exposure 10/2500s, ISO 80 | FLength: 5mm | SW: Microsoft Windows Photo Viewer 6.1.7600.16385

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