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Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719

Welcome to Globo

Posted: 2006-04-28 04:51 AM   
Hi Rutendo
A hearty welcome to this friendly multi-national site. I hope you enjoy it here.
Do you come from a family in Zimbabwe? We were lucky enough to stay with a Shona couple in Bulawayo for a month in 1991. The man had been a student of mine some time before and had stayed with us at Christmas for several years.
They took us to stay in the Hwange National Park, Victoria Falls, Nyanga and near Masvingo. Among day trips were the ruins at Kwame and the wonderful Matopos area. It is such a beautiful country but I have not done anything about it here.
We try to avoid talking of politics here but I imagine you can guess why.
We thought it a great privilege to stay with a black couple and to be treated by them and their family and friends as though we belonged.
I hope we hear a lot from you on this site.

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