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Tamara's Guest Book

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Joined: Dec 04
Points: 7304

Welcome Tamara

Posted: 2005-04-22 07:04 AM   
Nice to meet you on Globosapiens. We will all be glad to welcome a new member interested in music. I was intrigued in a way by your first name as Tamara may often be found in my country, French Polynesia.




Joined: May 03
Points: 8634

Hi Tamara

Posted: 2005-04-21 03:53 PM   
I would like to be one of the first to welcome you to Globosapiens. You have joined a group of people interested in travel. We look forward to seeing some of your photos, as well as reading some of your travel reports.

I echo Rudi's sentiments. Again, great to have you.




Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Welcome Tamara

Posted: 2005-04-21 02:03 PM   
You have a wonderfull signature that most members will appreciate! Three main things; art (including also photography), music and sport hold the world together in more ways than is usually credited.

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