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Julia's Guest Book

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Joined: Jan 09
Points: 958

Hi Julia

Posted: 2010-04-16 10:51 AM   
Extraordinary album. Congrats.


Joined: Aug 05
Points: 1717


Posted: 2006-12-24 10:08 PM   
Julia, congratulations for having obtained the first Premium to the Best Traveller of Globo during the year 2006!
For further details check the forum:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2007!


Joined: Sep 06
Points: 15

Greetings from 5 below!

Posted: 2006-12-08 08:08 PM   
Just thought you would like to know that Chicago is going thru a bit of a cold spell (Below zero with wind). Thank you for putting so much detail in your log. It really gives me a glimse at what life must be like for some in Africa. I got a tear in my eye when I read about the children asking you not to forget them. You need to keep posting entries when you get to your brother's. Can't wait to read your reactions to a faster paced civilization!

Take Care!


Joined: Sep 06
Points: 18

Your best entries yet!

Posted: 2006-12-07 09:49 PM   
We loved reading your most recent entries--thanks for transporting us to a warmer place! (both the people AND temperatures--it is below freezing here)

Enjoy your holidays. I'm off the first week of January, and would love to see if you if you are back by then.



Joined: Sep 04
Points: 11274

Great travel log

Posted: 2006-12-07 01:11 PM   
Thank you for this most interesting account. The writing is full of vivid pictures with a great economy of words.
kind regards


Joined: Sep 06
Points: 65

and I thought a 9 hr flight was bad.....

Posted: 2006-12-01 11:49 AM   
Great stuff Julie, can hardly wait to hear the tales 'round the crackling fireplace! Hope you have a lot of pictures to show us.
By the way - your box of winter :-( clothes arrived - 3 months and 4 days in transit! Viva USPS, see you soon!


Joined: Sep 06
Points: 18

Happy Thanksgiving

Posted: 2006-11-22 12:35 AM   
We miss you! Keep writing about your adventures!


Joined: Sep 06
Points: 15

A quick hello!

Posted: 2006-11-17 08:37 PM   
Can't wait to hear about the train ride. 51 hours! I don't know how you did it. Sounds like things are going well. I know its an American holiday, but Happy Thanksgiving! Take care....



Joined: Oct 06
Points: 6

oh hi

Posted: 2006-11-08 01:52 AM   
Jula, just want you to know I'm thinking of you. So glad to read of your adventures. Hope all continues to go well for you.
Love, Laura


Joined: Sep 06
Points: 65


Posted: 2006-10-24 08:12 AM   
hi Julie!
Sounds like your trip is really exceeding even your high expectations. We are all happy for you! Looking forward to hearing all the tales soon!
Love, Frank and family

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