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Spase Babaceski's Travel log

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Jan 01, 1970 01:00 AM Accommodation, apartments, room rentals, Bed and Breakfast in Ohrid, Macedonia

Apartments house Pasko is situated in the center of the city of Ohrid near Ohrid lake. With 15 years of experience and over 3000 satisfied guest during the past 10 years we are well establish apartment rental in Ohrid. We are running small hotel with 7 apartments, each apartment with hot shower, cable TV and central heating.
So if you travel in Macedonia and you are visiting Ohrid we got affordable accommodation for you. For more detailed information send us email or phone us, we are waiting for your call.

Pasko Janeski - manager
Jane Sandanski 9a
6000 Ohrid, Macedonia
phone: + 389 46 253 954
mobile: + 389 70 501464

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