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Joined: Oct 05
Points: 4803


Posted: 2008-12-10 10:44 AM   
first of all ,your welcome:)as i told you ask what ever you need
it's good if you are muslim,cause it shows you know as much as me about religous customes,,i wouldn't say it's wrong to travell here in Moharram days,what i'm telling you is ,it's better to come here any monthes exept these days!to tell you the truth,you will have much fun and joy! but as a bussiness man,time is not a big deal
honestly the foods around here is perfect!you can fing any kind you wanna,and if you find the right place you won't be have any kind of problem over food:)
i don't suggest you train transportation.the quallity is really low specially the way you're comming -i checked ur profile , because you're from Pakistan-train is not my type,even it's not good for expoling cause you have to pass from dessert,and there isn't any fun by train,if i were u ,i would chose airoplane to cross the board,cause it's not that much safe over there,then i would travel through Iran by bus:)



Joined: Oct 05
Points: 4803


Posted: 2008-12-08 01:20 PM   
Hi,thanks for your the way questions of yours are related to eachother..
1.the wedding seasones are every monthes except Mohharram,Safar and Ramezan,and these 3monthes don't have the same place every year because the calculated by lunar calender,and our time is based on solar calender...but the most busy season for wedding is like every country ,on summer
2.the best time for travelling here is in the earliest of fall and the later spring,because travelling iran is the matter of weather,in summer it's too hot and winter vise versa..
3.should you travel on mahharam?no i don't suggest,cause in this particular time,the whole atmosphere is not friendly and warm,and because of our government they hang on black flags every cities vision will be kind of sad..i really don't suggest
hope these are worked for you,ask what ever you need:)


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