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Scotland travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Scotland, United Kingdom!

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Travel guide to Scotland
Sea stack, Yesnabay - Orkney Island
Sea stack, Yesnabay - Orkney Island
People from outside the UK often ask whether Scotland is a separate country or an area. It is a part of the UK but it has its own Parliament with many powers; for instance over some taxation, and all education and health to name a few. It was Scotland's king, James VI who later became James I of England as well.
There are two natural dividing lines from south to north; the Highland Line [where the Highlands start] which is not very different from a line between Glasgow and Edinburgh and the line made by the Caledonian canal passing through the Great Glen, approximately from Fort William to Inverness.
Even people from countries with far higher mountains nearly always have to admire the wonderful Scottish scenery - not always aware that sometimes desolation is the result of barbaric actions like the Highland Clearances.
Some of the islands off the west coat have truly tremendous beaches and the northern islands have spectacular archaeological sights.
[By an Englishman!] [edit text]  [editors]

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