275 |
0h 0min 0s |
349 out of 29534 |
1 |
Level 3 |
activity |
amount |
points |
Report pictures uploaded: |
14 |
70 |
Member picture online: |
yes |
50 |
Reports written: |
3 |
45 |
Guestbook postings: |
23 |
69 |
Al Ziker has found cities we had not listed so far. Thank you for adding following cities to GLOBOsapiens.net:
city |
country |
province |
land found on |
St. Catherine |
Egypt |
Janøb S¿nå' |
Sep 12, 2004 |
Abu Galum |
Egypt |
Janøb S¿nå' |
Sep 12, 2004 |
Wadi Ryan |
Egypt |
Al Fayyøm |
Aug 22, 2004 |