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Thorsten's Guest Book

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glad to welcome you !!!

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Joined: Feb 09
Points: 4049

Moin Moin

Posted: 2009-09-19 11:36 PM   
Hallo Thorsten,
danke für deine Nachricht - bin froh, dass meine Photos auch einem Hamburger gut gefallen!
viele Grüße - Christopher


Joined: Apr 04
Points: 5264

Hey dude!!!!

Posted: 2008-12-25 09:26 PM   
Hope your well man!!!!!!


Joined: Jun 04
Points: 15075

Besten Dank

Posted: 2008-10-09 12:26 PM   
Hallo Thorsten

Herzlichen Dank für deine Glückwünsche. Wir sind so glücklich und froh wie alles geklappt hat und wie gut es uns geht wieviel Glück wir haben.

herzliche Grüsse


Joined: Aug 03
Points: 19539

Half Dome

Posted: 2008-10-01 12:18 PM   
I take each of my children up Half Dome when they turn 13. It became a tradition years ago. I thought I was done with the trail last year when the youngest went up but then my girl's group decided to hike it (for the second time - we did it 10 years ago). I always wanted my children to know that they could over come fears. Whatever is before them can be passed on because it is dangerous or unfeasible but not because of fear that they can't.

It is a beautiful hike all the way. You climb past two waterfalls and through a beautiful high country meadow before even getting to the rock itself. The top is a different story for me. It has stunning views but I admit to getting vertigo and I have to just sit and take it in. That's the part that scares me!

How have you been? Do you plans to travel soon?


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 16785


Posted: 2008-09-23 04:50 PM   
thanks for the message!
yes...been busy and did hv some time to explore our beautiful planet.


Joined: Jun 04
Points: 15075


Posted: 2008-09-12 12:31 PM   
Na das war aber schön wieder mal von dir zu lesen.

Danke mir gehts soweit gut ich habe mich gut eingelebt ins neue Berufsleben und bin täglich am strampeln um weiterzukommen.

In meiner Familie steht der nächste Nachwuchs an, im Oktober kommt nr3 ;-).

Life goes on and on, ohne dass wir daran etwas ändern können, es geht einfach darum jeden moment zu geniessen.

Wünsche einen schönen Herbst und ich hoffe dass der Winter noch nicht grad sofort kommt, schnee erwarte ich nicht vor Dezember ok vielliecht schon mal im November.

Bis bald


Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719


Posted: 2008-03-16 11:03 AM   
Hi Thorsten
Actually this is one of the mileposts I do watch now and again. I noticed the 4m myself today and put something on Open Board. I had not seen your message or I probably should not have blown my own trumpet!

I very much enjoy looking at your contributions.

Many thanks


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Surprise, surprise...

Posted: 2008-03-04 10:44 AM   

Thanks for your well wishes, it was a bit of a surprise, to be honest. Sometimes you spend so much time chatting with members, that you don't notice the points going up. But I have really enjoyed sharing my travel experiences and hopefully I can continue.

Wishing you all the best



Joined: Apr 04
Points: 17984

Hi Thorsten

Posted: 2007-12-04 06:34 AM   
Thank you very much for signing my guestbook and even more thanks for looking at my Vietnam Slide show.

I have done a lot of travel in the past 12 months or so and hopefully will find the time to write about those trips and illustrate them with the pictures that I have taken. I also look forward to catching up with all my fellow Globo’s travel pages too.

Again thank you ,




Joined: Mar 04
Points: 1618


Posted: 2007-11-29 10:43 AM   
I red about Freida, Thor, Odin, Brünhild, but it was long time ago. Great name!

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